EcoTherapy and Financial therapy – Why You Need It Now

Ecotherapy is a formal type of therapeutic treatment that involves doing outdoor activities in nature. It offers unique advantages to clients who may not connect as deeply with traditional office-based therapy. Today, I would like to discuss the benefits of Ecotherapy, specifically, Nature-Based and Walk & Talk Therapy, and how blended with Financial Therapy, they can help alleviate mental stress and anxiety and help you make meaningful progress towards your financial goals.

Picture of a Hand Holding a Branch as Part of EcoTherapy

Nature-Based Therapy

Nature-based therapy involves immersing oneself in the natural world to promote healing and growth. This can take many forms, from simply being in nature, gardening, or taking a walk in a park to more immersive experiences like wilderness therapy. Regardless of the specifics, the idea is to create a therapeutic environment that is free from the distractions and stressors of everyday life.

One of the primary benefits of nature-based therapy is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Research has shown that spending time in nature can lower cortisol levels and increase feelings of relaxation and well-being. This can be especially helpful for individuals who struggle with chronic stress or anxiety, as it provides a natural and accessible way to regulate their nervous system.

In addition to reducing stress, nature-based therapy can also improve overall mental health. Studies have found that spending time in nature can increase self-esteem, reduce symptoms of depression, and even boost cognitive function. This is likely due to the calming effects of nature, which can help individuals feel more centered and grounded. Being centered allows for clarity which can lead one to gain perspective and reduce the mental clutter often associated with financial worries.

Finally, nature-based therapy can help individuals connect more deeply with their sense of purpose and meaning. Many people find that spending time in nature helps them feel more connected to something larger than themselves, whether that be the natural world or a higher power. This sense of connection can be incredibly powerful in helping individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives. This mindfulness and emotional balance gained from eco-therapy can lead to more rational and thoughtful decision-making, including better money management practices, ultimately reducing the overall anxiety related to financial concerns.

Connecting with nature is neuro-supportive

Sensory stimulation and regulation

Nature coaching offers a rich sensory experience that can benefit neurodivergent individuals experiencing money stress. The natural environment provides various sensory stimuli, such as the sight of vibrant colors, the sound of birds singing, the touch of grass or leaves, and the scent of flowers. Engaging with these sensory experiences can help with sensory integration and regulation, providing a positive outlet for sensory processing.

Connection with natural rhythms and patterns

Nature-based therapy allows individuals to connect with the natural rhythms and patterns of the environment. For neurodivergent individuals who may have a strong affinity for structure, routine, or predictability, nature’s cyclical patterns, such as the changing seasons or the rising and setting of the sun, can provide a sense of stability and grounding. This connection with nature’s rhythms can contribute to a sense of calm and stability.

The Benefits of Nature Therapy and Financial Therapy

Blending nature-based therapy with financial therapy offers a holistic approach to support neurodiverse individuals in managing money stress by addressing both emotional and practical aspects of financial well-being. Eco-therapy's calming effects help reduce anxiety and enhance focus, creating a conducive mental state for tackling financial issues. When combined with financial therapy, which provides tailored strategies for money management and behavioral change, this integrated approach can help neurodiverse individuals develop healthier financial habits. The synergy of nature's therapeutic benefits and structured financial guidance can empower them to make more informed, less impulsive financial decisions, leading to reduced stress and improved overall mental health.

Picture of a Woman In Tune With Nature as Part of EcoTherapy and gaining clarity to support thoughtful financial decision making after meeting with a Financial Therapist in California.

Walk and Talk Therapy

Walk-and-talk therapy is another approach that can be incredibly beneficial for individuals who may not connect as deeply with traditional office-based therapy. The idea is simple: instead of sitting in a therapist’s office, the client and therapist take a walk together, often in a natural setting.

Supports rapport building

One of the primary benefits of walk-and-talk therapy is its ability to break down barriers between therapist and client. Many people feel more comfortable opening up when they are engaged in an activity, rather than sitting face-to-face with a therapist. Walking side-by-side with a therapist can create a more relaxed and informal environment, which can encourage clients to share more openly.

Promotes physical wellbeing

In addition to breaking down barriers, walk-and-talk therapy can also provide a physical outlet for clients. Exercise has been shown to have numerous mental health benefits, including reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. By incorporating physical activity into the therapeutic process, walk-and-talk therapy can provide an additional way to support clients’ mental health and wellbeing.

Promotes emotional wellbeing

Finally, walk-and-talk therapy can be incredibly beneficial for individuals who may feel stuck or stagnant in their lives. Walking has been shown to stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving, which can be especially helpful for individuals who are feeling stuck in their current circumstances. By engaging in physical activity while discussing their problems, clients may find that they can come up with new and innovative solutions to their challenges.

The Benefits of Walk-and-Talk Therapy and Financial Therapy

Blending financial therapy with walk-and-talk therapy offers a unique and holistic approach to addressing both financial and mental health challenges. This combination leverages the therapeutic benefits of physical movement and nature, which can help reduce anxiety and stress, making it easier for individuals to open up about their financial concerns. Walking side-by-side with a therapist in a less formal setting can create a more relaxed atmosphere, fostering deeper and more honest conversations. Additionally, physical activity can enhance cognitive function and emotional regulation, allowing clients to process financial advice and strategies more effectively. This integrative approach not only addresses the practical aspects of financial management but also tackles the underlying emotional and psychological factors, leading to more sustainable and positive outcomes for clients.


Choosing the Right Approach for You

Ultimately, whether you choose nature-based therapy, walk-and-talk therapy, or some combination of the two will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Some individuals may find that they are more drawn to the calming effects of nature, while others may benefit more from the physical activity of walk-and-talk therapy.

As a therapist, it is my job to help you determine which approach is right for you. We will work together to understand your goals and preferences and create a plan that is tailored to your unique needs.

Whether you choose nature-based therapy, walk-and-talk therapy, or some other approach, to support your journey to financial wellbeing, the most important thing is that you take the first step toward seeking help. Therapy can be a powerful tool for improving your mental health and overall well-being.

Ready to Join Koru Financial Therapy for ecoTherapy?

Join Koru Financial Therapy in Sacramento at three iconic parks to meet for Ecotherapy. Follow the steps below:

  1. Reach out to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.

  2. Speak with Mariah, a certified financial therapist.

  3. Start your journey to growth, strength, and peace.


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about the author

Mariah, the author behind Koru Financial Therapy, is a certified financial therapist who integrates ecotherapy and traditional financial therapy. With a focus on nature-based and walk-and-talk therapy, she helps clients manage financial stress and improve their overall mental well-being. Mariah's unique approach combines the therapeutic benefits of nature with practical financial strategies, making therapy accessible and effective for diverse needs, including those with ADHD and neurodivergent individuals. She is dedicated to fostering growth, strength, and peace through personalized, holistic financial therapy.

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mariah hudler

Mariah is a financial therapist who helps individuals, couples, and entrepreneurs build emotional and financial balance and create a healthy relationship with their money. Mariah utilizes a holistic financial approach connecting mind, body, and spirit to lead a more harmonious, richer, and fuller life.

Mariah’s deepest value is freedom. She is 2nd generation Irish immigrant who holds her family’s money story warmly as she breaks through generational financial trauma steeped in scarcity, avoidance, and shame. She is a recovering money avoider who now views money as a tool for reaching freedom through choice, flexibility, innovation, creativity, and connection. Her greatest asset is holding a warm, inclusive, energetic, and therapeutic space for her clients. In this space, she is moved by the energy shared between her and clients who claim their stories, beliefs, values, neuro rhythms, and goals. She is most scared of not living congruently in this society akin to consumerism, fear, and anxiety.

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