Financial Therapy for Financial Perfectionism in California

  • Is this you?

    Do you find yourself obsessing over every penny, constantly striving for the "perfect" financial plan?

  • Have you ...

    avoided making financial moves because you're worried they won't be perfect?

  • Or maybe you ...

    are stuck in a cycle of over-researching and over-analyzing, yet still feel like you're not doing enough with your money?

  • Maybe you

    feel overwhelmed by the pressure to make flawless financial decisions every time?

  • Are you looking

    to stop constantly compare your financial situation to others, fearing you don't measure up?

  • Is your

    need for financial control making it hard for you to live and act in the present moment?

What if you could let go of the pressure to be perfect with your finances and still achieve your goals with confidence?

What is Financial Perfectionism?

Financial perfectionism is the relentless pursuit of flawless financial management, where the fear of making mistakes or not doing everything "just right" creates unnecessary stress and paralysis.

Financial Therapy can help heal Money Perfectionism

A picture of a financial therapist in California supporting a male client who is experiencing financial perfectionism, social comparison, over-analyzing financial plans.

Koru Financial Therapy in California understands that this drive for perfection often leads to feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and even avoidance, making it harder to make progress with your money. Our goal is to help you move past the need for perfection, embrace a more balanced approach, and find peace in making decisions that support your financial wellbeing without the constant pressure to be perfect. Together, we can shift your focus from unattainable ideals to practical steps that bring clarity, confidence, and relief.

Financial perfectionism in California can stem from a variety of underlying causes, often rooted in personal experiences, societal influences, and individual psychology.

Causes of Financial Perfectionism

  • Growing up in an environment where money was tightly controlled, or where financial mistakes were harshly criticized, can lead to a fear of making financial errors as an adult.

  • Individuals with a tendency toward perfectionism in other areas of life, such as work or academics, may carry those high standards into their financial decisions, expecting nothing less than perfection.

  • A deep-seated fear of failure or making mistakes can drive financial perfectionism, leading to over-analysis and indecision. The thought of "getting it wrong" can be paralyzing.

  • Constantly comparing one’s financial situation to others, especially in the age of social media, can fuel the desire to appear financially perfect, leading to unrealistic expectations and pressure.

  • Society often glorifies financial success and independence, which can create a sense of pressure to achieve financial perfection as a measure of personal worth or success.

  • Experiencing significant financial setbacks or witnessing such events can create a fear of repeating those mistakes, driving a need for control and perfection in managing money.

  • Without a solid understanding of financial management, individuals might overcompensate by striving for perfection in an effort to avoid potential pitfalls.

  • For some, their financial situation is closely tied to their self-identity and self-worth. The belief that "perfect finances" equate to being a "good" or "successful" person can drive perfectionist behaviors.

Money perfectionism client scenarios in California

Xi, Los Angeles

Xi is a 57-year-old married professional female living in Los Angeles with her husband. Her family of origin is wealthy and she works as part of the family business. She has high standards for herself, constantly striving to impress her father by doing more. She fears not being perceived as “the best” or “perfect” in her role in the family company and struggles with finding balance in her marriage, friendships, and with her children.

Pietre and Silvana, San Diego

Pietre and Silvana are a 10-year married couple living in San Diego. Pietre comes from a family where money was scarce and Silvana came from a family that always had enough and she never worried about money. They report not being on the same page about their finances affecting their ability to have productive money conversations. Pietre is obsessed with using a spreadsheet to track and talk about money always wanting to show her the “numbers”. This makes Silvana retreat and it is starting to impact their marriage.

Ronaldo, San Francisco

Ronaldo is a  65 y/o retiree who spent his career meticulously planning for retirement. He has saved diligently and followed a strict financial plan. However, now retired, he finds it difficult to enjoy his savings. He worries about spending too much and not having enough for the future, especially because he lives in San Francisco. His need for control prevents him from enjoying his retirement.

A succulent blooming represents perfection and balance in nature can be replicated in financial perfectionism treated by a Financial Therapist in California.

Koru Financial Therapy can help heal financial perfectionism in California

Koru Financial Therapy provides a comprehensive method for healing from financial perfectionism, addressing both the root psychological issues and the practical aspects of building financial health one step at a time.

  • Koru Financial Therapy helps clients uncover the deep-seated beliefs and experiences that drive their perfectionist tendencies, such as fear of failure, past financial trauma, or unrealistic expectations.

    Through therapy, clients can identify patterns of behavior, such as avoidance or over-analysis, that stem from their perfectionism and how these patterns impact their financial decisions.

  • Koru Financial Therapy teaches techniques to “defuse” from unhelpful thoughts, such as “I must make the perfect financial decision” or “If I make a mistake, I’ll ruin everything.” By recognizing these thoughts as just thoughts, clients can reduce their power and influence.

    Koru Financial Therapy helps clients to reframe their thoughts about perfectionism. Instead of seeing financial decisions as needing to be flawless, they can learn to value progress and flexibility.

  • Financial trauma can lead to deeply ingrained negative beliefs about money or self-worth. Koru Financial Therapy works with clients to challenge and reframe these beliefs, helping them develop a more positive and realistic understanding of money and their financial capabilities.

  • Koru Financial Therapy helps clients to recognize the importance of living in alignment with one’s values. In the context of financial perfectionism, clients explore what truly matters to them—such as security, freedom, or providing for loved ones—and how these values can guide their financial decisions, rather than the pursuit of perfection.

    Koru Financial Therapy can help translate these values into practical financial goals and plans. By focusing on values rather than perfection, clients can set more realistic and meaningful financial goals that reduce the pressure to be perfect.

  • Koru Financial Therapy helps clients to take committed action toward their values, even when it feels uncomfortable or imperfect. This helps clients build the courage to make financial decisions without needing to be 100% certain or “perfect.”

    Koru Financial Therapy supports this by helping clients break down financial goals into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrating these small successes reinforces positive behavior and reduces the fear of imperfection,

  • Koru Financial Therapy helps clients develop psychological flexibility, allowing them to experience difficult emotions related to financial decisions without being overwhelmed by them. This flexibility is crucial in managing the anxiety and stress that often accompany perfectionism.

    Koru Financial Therapy integrates self-compassion techniques, helping clients be kinder to themselves when they make mistakes or when things don’t go as planned. This reduces the self-criticism that fuels perfectionism.

  • Koru Financial therapy can help clients rewrite their financial narrative to one that is more compassionate and empowering. This new narrative focuses on progress, learning, and values rather than perfection, allowing clients to approach their finances with a healthier mindset.

  • Healing from financial perfectionism is often a long-term process. Regular sessions with Koru Financial Therapy provides ongoing support and accountability, helping individuals stay on track with their financial and emotional goals.

Contact Us

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

(916) 234-6733

Calls or emails will be returned within 24 hours during business days.


  • In-person

  • Ecotherapy

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